To start the New Year of the Rabbit right, it is a good idea to review your registered trade marks. Just like a health check-up, an annual trade mark portfolio review will give you confidence and clarity on what you need to work on. You may find this checklist useful from our Intellectual Property Consultant Benjamin Choi. […]
With the year coming to a close, we can’t wait to share with you two major IP news we anticipate for Hong Kong next year. First, the Madrid International Trade Mark Registration system should be ready for implementation in Hong Kong the earliest during the second half of 2023 and secondly, the long-awaited new copyright law […]
88% of Hong Kong population is using social media, and this number is growing every minute. It is no surprise that social media has become a lucrative business. Social media influencers (“Influencers”) or key opinion leaders (“KOLs”) are popular and powerful – they create tight bonds with their followers and have the ability to influence […]