To start the New Year of the Rabbit right, it is a good idea to review your registered trade marks. Just like a health check-up, an annual trade mark portfolio review will give you confidence and clarity on what you need to work on. You may find this checklist useful from our Intellectual Property Consultant Benjamin Choi.
- Is any registered mark due for renewal in 2023? If you missed a mark renewal deadline in 2022, there is still a 6-month grace period for late renewal plus a further 6 months for restoration (HK only).
- Has any registered mark been updated or modified in the past year in the course of business? You may need to file a new application to register the updated version.
- Has any new mark or logo or color scheme been adopted in branding that needs to be registered for better and broader protection?
- Should any new class of goods or services be added to reflect and support your current business offerings?
- Is the license record under the registered trade mark up-to-date?
- Would you like to register your mark in any other country?
- Has any registered mark been left aside, not in actual use, for a continuous period of 3+ years and is susceptible to non-use revocation?
It is always better to spot and fill in the missing piece in your trade mark portfolio sooner than later. Please feel free to contact us if you answered “Yes” to any of the below questions, we will be happy to assist!